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(Click on ibook cover for more details) |
Ever wondered why some writers sell their stories without
issue? Or why you can't sell yours just as easily?
Maybe these other writers have inside information? Or
perhaps they know someone on the inside?
If these questions ring true, or if you're sick of not
being able to sell your short stories, read on.............
The book
has been written as an interactive workshop. You won't be told what to do, you'll be shown how to do it.
You will be guided through every stage of writing your story; you'll learn how to brainstorm better outcomes, build
realistic characters, give your character a unique voice, prepare your manuscript, and much, much more.

(Click on book cover for more information) |
Need to Hone Your Craft?
Want to Explode Your Writing Career?
Or Perhaps You Just Want to Get Published?
Have you studied the craft of writing for years, but still
can't get published? Entered contest after contest but still get nowhere? Feel like you're wasting time and money even
Ever wondered why can some writers excel but others don't?
Even if you have no intention of entering contests, this book will help you immensely in
honing your craft.
(For more detailed information click here)

Belly of the Dragon |
Buy : Belly of the Dragon
On line (ebook), Hardback; Paperback or Rocketbook Available
from 1st Books Library--Click Here
Also available from: Barnes & Noble (or bn.com),
Borders (or borders.com), Amazon.com, Books-A-Million, and wherever fine books are sold.
Jack Romig's website is at: http://www.jackeromig.com/

By Captain Rick Rhodes
The Ohio River -In American History
and Voyaging on Today's River” also addresses the Allegheny, Monongahela, Kanawha, Muskingum, Kentucky, Green and Wabash
Rivers. The first five chapters explore 300 years of American History along the
Ohio River and its tributaries – including the French and Indian War, the American Revolution in the West, our country’s
expansion into the Northwest Territories, Lewis and Clark on the Ohio River, the Underground Railroad, the Civil War, the
Steamboat Era, the evolution of the lock and dam system, and the rise and decline of 19th, 20th, and 21st Century river industries. The next eleven chapters geographically divide the Ohio River and its navigable tributaries
into distinct regions. The individual colorful histories, as well as the current
amenities found in 200 river town are discussed here. The last three chapters
focus on boating, to include negotiating locks and dams, commercial towboat operations, and many specific Ohio River safe
boating tips. Eleven appendices list more than 60 annual river festivals, information
59 locks and dams, bridge clearance information, hundreds of marinas and restaurants, scores of free docks, 85 GPS waypoints,
and more. Several hundred telephone numbers and 86 black and white photographs
are interspersed throughout this book.
Ohio River…” is the seventh book researched and written by Rick Rhodes.
This softcover book contains 320 8½”x 11” pages. The price is: $35.95
thirteen: 97809665866
The book can be found on the web at: www.heronislandguides.com.
Rick has another title on Honduras (Not
shown here)
For more information, or to place an order,
please contact:
Captain Rick Rhodes
Fax: 727-527-8287; Mobile: 727-459-5992;
Email: rick@rickrhodes.com, or mailto:rickrhodes@hotmail.com
www.heronislandguides.com, or www.rickrhodes.com
Captain Rick Rhodes is an author and
freelance writer based in St. Petersburg, Florida
Cruising Guide To Florida's Big Bend
Cruising Guide To Florida's Big Bend |

By Captain Rick Rhodes |
Cruising Guide to Florida’s Big Bend including the Apalachicola, Chattahoochee, Flint, and Suwannee Rivers
was published in 2003. This book contains 27 full pages of black and white
NOAA chart extracts, 11 coastal town maps, 11 river/lake sketches, three canal maze sketches, and a wind rose sketch on the
Gulf of Mexico. Ninety marinas and scores of restaurants and fueling sites are
also addressed. The book provides hundreds of phone numbers, and information
on 160 boat launching ramp, along with providing 66 GPS waypoints. Three hundred
miles of Gulf Coast, and 500 miles of inland rivers are covered in this book. One
hundred and fifty black and white photos are also incorporated. 360 8”X9¼”
pages. Price: $32.95.
Captain Rick Rhodes at: rkrhodes@hotmail.com
Rick Rhodes' Website
Rick Rhodes is an author and freelance writer based in St. Petersburg, Florida
Discovering The Tidal Potomac 1st Edition |

By Captain Rick Rhodes |
Discovering The Tidal Potomac
1st Edition
Although this 1998 First Edition has been updated, it’s the only edition containing
35 color NOAA chart extracts, along with another half-dozen color photographs. 200
8½” X 11 pages. Discounted Price: $23.95
Captain Rick Rhodes E-mail: rkrhodes@hotmail.com
Captain Rick Rhodes is an author and freelance writer based in St. Petersburg, Florida
Discovering The Tidal Potomac
Second Edition
Discovering The Tidal Potomac |

By Captain Rick Rhodes |
Discovering the Tidal Potomac, Second Edition was published in 2003. This book contains 35 black and white NOAA chart extracts, information on 91 marinas, including five shoreside
locality and 38 popular dock sketches, 96 boat ramps, and 88 black and white photographs.
The book also addresses more than 60 restaurants, 180 phone numbers, 45 website addresses, and 53 fueling sites. Two hundred plus miles of shoreline are woven with 400 years of history. 240 8½” X 11” pages. Price: $26.95
Captain Rick Rhodes' E-mail: rkrhodes@hotmail.com
Captain Rick Rhodes is an author and freelance writer based in St.Petersburg,
Pegasus Writers Stable |
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